Not Always a Nail Proper Uses of Insurance in Financial Planning To paraphrase a famous saying, “When you have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” Unfortunately, this isn’t just true in carpentry, but sometimes in the financial world as well. Everybody gets up in the morning and goes to work so they can [...]
“I Just Love Paying Extra Money to the IRS!” -said nobody ever. A few quarterly steps can save you some serious dough. Taxes. It’s one of the only two certainties in life. Everybody makes tax prepayments throughout the year. If you’re an employee and get paid on a W2, taxes are withheld from each of [...]
I always thought it was because they weren't listening to me. When clients aren't motivated to follow their Advisor’s recommendations it is because they aren't listening to THEMSELVES. They are keeping their financial life, and as a result their financial plan, separate from who they really are and what really matters in their lives. They [...]
"How Do You Want To Feel?" I've quoted the question asked by online spiritual mentor, Danielle LaPorte. Her work is focused on asking ourselves how we want to feel and thoughtfully opens doors in our minds to explore what it is we really WANT in our lives so that we set "goals with soul". From [...]
Did you know that conscious thinking drives only 5% of your financial decision making? Over the years of working through financial pivots with our clients, we’ve learned NOT to assume that our client’s decisions are being made based on rational thought. You may be shocked to find out that thinking through big financial decisions may [...]
What to Expect When You’re Expecting [a Financial Plan] We all recognize the value of being financially organized. You’ll be hard pressed to find a person who dismisses the merits of saving for future goals such as your kids’ education or retirement. Many folks agree that it can be advantageous to seek professional help in [...]
You might expect a Certified Financial Planner ™ Practitioner, such as myself, to get totally amped about putting a budget together with my clients. After all, Cash Flow Management it is a logical part of getting to know my client’s situation and is naturally addressed in the CFP® Board’s 6 step financial planning process. Budgeting […]